Global Perspectives
  • Energy  

    Oil, gas, sweet and sour crude oil....The USA needs it now!

    While in Odessa, Texas, evaluating hotel investments I learned something about the U.S. Strategic Petroleum reserve.   That has been our "ace in the hole" to assure that in times of stress, conflict or war, the USA still has enough petroleum to run the nation.

    But recently, when the price of gasoline at the pump was rising dangerously high, our government tapped the U.S. Strategic Petroleum reserve, thus when everyone was predicting $4.00 or higher "pump prices" Americans enjoyed a range of $3.20 to $3.60 per gallon.  It saved American consumers millions.  Our gas at the pump is still in a comfortable $3.30 to $3.80 per gallon.  Some consumers in other nations are paying much higher for fuel for their cars!

    Odessa oilman Kirk Edwards had some insights from his perspective in the industry. He is looking at the conflicts of nations, and that it takes oil and gas to fight wars.   He suggests that it is time to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which was tapped to keep gas prices low, during last year's elections.…


  • Jan 3, 2023 | Energy  

    Gas Prices Back Down...good trend! Average $3.09 in New Mexico, $2.86 per gallon in Texas, down from $6.50 in California to $4.42 per gallon. It is a great way to start the year 2023! Good job Mr. President.

    As this map clearly shows, the average price of gas, early in 2023 is significantly lower than the highs of 2022. Low fuel prices help business budgets, shipping costs, and every household appreciates lower "fill up the gas tank" prices...


  • Feb 22, 2022 | Energy  

    Filled Your Car with GAS YET? Prices going up! Food, prices going up too!

    In our house we have a pick up truck, a Jeep Patriot, a sedan and a Winnebago RV. So two days ago, we decided in light of Putin's Russian invasion of Ukraine it was time to fill all of our vehicles up with gas, and to buy more "staples" for long term grocery price increases. Prices in our area of the Southwest (New Mexico and Texas) have hovered from $3.25 per gallon of gas to $3.85...


  • Jun 23, 2021 | Energy  

    Limetree Bay Refinery Closes after Raining Oil on St. Croix Island

    Two decades ago, we were in St. Croix, considering investing in a new project, on this beautiful island, with gorgeous ocean waters and pleasant breezes coming off of the ocean. The downtown area is small enough to walk and shop and watch the local people. The language is English, and the lifestyle seems easy. Then our research took us to the largest commercial employer, the REFINERY...


  • Jun 7, 2020 | Energy  

    Storage for Oil and Gas Could be a Huge Opportunity for Profits

    When Saudi Arabia and Russia disagreed on production limits, the Saudi's did what they have done many times before. They determined to take radical action and increased production, flooding the world with new oil, and driving oil prices down so low, as to "cripple" Russia. In the process, the Saudi's hurt oil drillers and producers all over the world...


  • Mar 9, 2020 | Energy  

    Natural Gas Trends Down, Worldwide, while Carlsbad NM still growing!

    NATURAL GAS PRICES DROP TO $1.65 TO $1.74 RANGE, OIL AT ANNUAL LOW...WHY? CORONAVIRUS FEARS, REDUCED TRAVEL, MILD WEATHER FX EMPIRE reports natural gas prices down to new lows on a combination of weak demand due to reduced business, and industry. Plus fears of Coronavirus impact upon the economy, and reduced demand due to reduced commercial and residential demand, and mild weather...


  • Dec 17, 2019 | Energy  

    Fracking Trends: Boom in Decline? You heard it first from Boothe Global Perspectives

    Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and a host of other business publications are reporting declines or problems with fracking and drilling in shale for oil and gas. Many observe that oil rigs are going idle in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico these days. We first reported economic trends some time ago in ...


  • Nov 4, 2019 | Energy  


    We have noticed several trends, one in oil drilling and production, and the other on natural gas drilling and production that could have a significant impact upon prices. We at agree that "pictures and graphs" enrich communication. The images tell much of the story. PRICES DROP AND PRODUCTION DECLINES, SAY THE CHARTS...


  • Jun 10, 2019 | Energy  

    Different Perspective on Oil Market: is 2020 Trouble?

    We credit Javier Blas of Bloomberg for this article. We recommend that you follow Bloomberg for breaking developments. Bulls Beware: The 2020 Oil Market Is Quickly Turning Ugly June 9, 2019, 1:21 AM MDT Updated on June 9, 2019, 11:25 PM MDT IEA set to publish its first forecast for next year on Friday U.S...


  • Sep 27, 2018 | Energy  

    Oil, Gas and Water Deals Impact Property Values in New Mexico and Texas (Water and natural gas big business!)

    OIL, GAS AND WATER IMPACT PROPERTY VALUES in NEW MEXICO AND the PERMIAN BASIN (NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS) 9/27/2018 By: Ben Boothe and Associates, Appraisers, Environmental Reports and Feasibility Studies, Albuquerque N.M. and Ft.Worth, Texas. , ...


  • Sep 6, 2018 | Energy  

    Prediction Price of Oil will not exceed $80 says Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy

    Oil prices are unlikely to break out of the mid-$70 level, Oman's oil and gas minister said September 3, and he said that he thought prices were currently "fair." The statement was made in Muscat, Oman. "I think for the rest of this year we should see stability between $70 and the high 70s (dollars a barrel), or low 70s to high 70s," Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy, said...


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