Political Season, What A Blessing to be an American!

We are blessed in the USA to have two political parties, and the excitement and fun of watching each party celebrate and show activity as Democrats or Republicans.

It in many ways is a fun time, to watch the party leaders demonstrate, and politic and see how political movements impact our nation.   Contrasting the crazy and spontaneous Democrats, so full of life and color, to the more conservative, suited and groomed Republicans touting their wealth and successes, all under a veil of "conservatives".   Yet it is a fun and interesting time to watch the differences.  The Republicans pretend to be intellectual and conservative and Democrats tout how free and creative they are.   But the master "plot" shows us that both sides, both parties, are essentially "American Patriots", and they give us the contrast and ethical foundation of the USA's democracy.

We are so fortunate to have this process in the USA.  Consider, many nations on earth can't change leaders without riots, violence, burning and havoc on streets.  We in America watch political "conventions" of each party, celebrating political preferences and differences, that make our nation "the land of the free".  Political change in my America is not done with guns, bombs and fires...we do it with votes, and speeches, and pledges to our beloved flag.  The American Flag.  

I was invited a few months ago to go to Washington, DC by the President, and spend a day with the President.  Who would believe that today, just a few months later, we have a different leadership emerging in our great nation.  What great people, Democrats and Republicans, who love this nation and make it special.

My friends, celebrate being Americans. Celebrate our country, our leaders, our "Democracy"...this is a special nation...and this is a special time...when thousands of citizens from each "party" can campaign and celebrate and continue this "American Democracy" which elects leaders with ideas, instead of riots in our streets.

I am proud to be what I am.  Democrat or Republican or Independent.  We live in the "Home of the Brave, land of the Free".  

Celebrate and cheer for your man or woman who we will elect as our President.  We are blessed to be Americans!


Ben Boothe, President, Boothe and Associates   www.benboothe.com  (By the way, it works even better when everyone votes)