Veronica Tiller is a world-class person. What a pleasure to spend an hour with her and discuss economic development, the film industry, new jobs for youth and opportunities for Native Americans, particularly Native American children. Veronica was born the grand daughter of one of the great chiefs and co-founders of the Jicarilla Apache Nation in New Mexico. She became the first women in her tribe to graduate with a Ph.D degree. But that was just the beginning. Her book: "Tiller's Guide to Indian Country" was recognized as an important source book and even cited by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Her recent work, "New Mexico Indian Tribes and Communities" is a chapter in Fred Harris' edited work, "New Mexico 2050" published by the University of New Mexico. 

Her book, "The Culture and Customs of Apache Indians" was published by Greenwood Press. 

She has started businesses, worked in Washington, D.C., published books, and been a public speaker at UNESCO in Paris, France, and throughout the USA.  We interviewed her through BigSkyVoices and you must see her interview here:


Veronica is interested in seeing young people of Native America get jobs, work in movies, learn new skills, get good educations and progress. She is interested in economic and social progress, and she is a mover and a shaker. She and Ben Boothe discussed the health care needs of Native American children in New Mexico, and we appreciated her enthusiasm and support for new projects, even a documentary to educate the public on the needs of Indian children.

But most of all, we found her progressive, eager to make things happen, and not afraid to speak her mind.  We present Veronica Tiller to you, and suggest that you look at her Web Site:

She is a BIG VOICE for the Native American people, and we are delighted to recommend her to you as an exceptional person.  We also call her a friend of BIG SKY VOICES and BOOTHE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES.