Terry Brunner and "Grow New Mexico" can help you get loans and grants for your project!

"Big Sky Voices" recently interviewed Terry Brunner. Terry was the USDA Statewide Manager of the Rural Development Department. Terry told Ben Boothe and Victor Waumett that under his leadership, $1.2 billion has been inserted into the New Mexico's economy through grants, loans and a variety of funding sources. Hundreds of businesses exist in New Mexico because of his efforts. Recently with the change of administrations in Washington, D.C., New Mexico lost him as the USDA Rural Development Manager. But Terry has grown to love New Mexico and decided to create a private company, to do grants, grant writing, and help people to take advantage of the hundreds of sources of funding for good projects run by good people.

"I love what I am doing and we have more funds to get to the people of New Mexico through our company: GROW NEW MEXICO."  Terry is the Chief Program Officer, and if you have a project that needs funding, his team, The Grants Collective, (www.thegrantscollective.org) are there to find the money for you.  Terry can be reached at 505-226-0171.  We at www.BootheGlobalPerspectives and www.BigSkyVoices.com are eager to see another $1 billion come into New Mexico because of Terry Brunner.  If you are a city and need to build a school or a hospital or build a road or airport, these are the people to call.  If you wish to put in a movie production studio, or film office, or create a new business, there is money to be found, according to Terry.  For example the Santa Fe Studios just outside of Santa Fe could qualify for rural development loans because it is just outside of Santa Fe. With the needs for new post production and production facilities in New Mexico, a new facility just outside of any major city in a "rural" qualifying defined location could make funding your project possible using GROW NEW MEXICO.  


"New Mexico is already one of the best places to live in our country. But if you’ve read a newspaper, tuned into the news or have listened to what people are saying in the coffee shop, you know things aren’t going well for all our neighbors.  Poverty is on the rise, the economy is crawling along, there aren’t enough good-paying jobs to keep young New Mexicans here, and the quality of life in many of our communities falls short of expectations.

"That’s why we started a non-profit project called Grow New Mexico. We know that there are good projects and good people out there who want to move their communities forward. But too often they are missing the funds or expertise to advance those good projects.  And sometimes they just need a little help putting the finishing touches on their vision for a sustainable economic future.

"That’s frustrating because we know there is substantial funding through government, the private sector and foundations to finance worthwhile projects.  We’ve both held senior positions in government and watched programs pass New Mexico by."

Terry Brunner was the State Director for Rural Development at the United States Department of Agriculture, and Phil Schiliro is a former Special Adviser to President Obama.  In our interactions with government and private entities over the past several years, we’ve watched funding streams miss New Mexico time and again.