Pet Trends in the USA, This Will Amaze You
In 2014, we Americans will spend $58.5 billion dollars on our pets. That has gone up 10 BILLION dollars a year since 2010. 68% of us have a pet.
No wonder "pet friendly hotels" and "pet friendly businesses" are showing above average earnings for their respective industry groups.
Check these statistics:
- $22.6 billion on pet food a year
- $13.7 billion on supplies and OTC medicine
- $15.2 billion on Vet care
- $2.19 billion on live animal purchases
- $4.7 billion on pet grooming and boarding
45.3 % of this number owns a cat
56.7% a dog
14.3% a fish (freshwater)
13.6% saltwater fish
20.6% bird
18.1% other small animal
8.3% horses
Now get this. Look at how much we spend on pet expenses in a very personal mode:
Typical dog $621 per year
Routine vet $231
Food $239
Foot Treats $65
Kennel $327
Vitamins $64
Grooming $61
Toys $41
Now get this one> 32% of dog owners have their pets with them in the car when they travel for two or more nights.
Now I must tell you, I love my dog. I have owned Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Shelties, and a few "mixed mutt" breeds but my favorite breed is Shitzu or Shitzhu's. I was traveling in old Tibet (now taken over by China) and in Lhasa, the old capital of Tibet, every morning I would see Tibetans walking their Shitzus or Lhasa Apsa's around the Potala, while they prayed counting their prayer beads (Mala necklace). Each has 108 beads, so there are 108 matras or prayers.
I was so impressed, with these little dogs which historically were bred to be the lap dogs of the Kings and Emperors of old Tibet and old China. I fell in love then and still love these little dogs.
I share a fun video on the subject for your smiles.