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Global Readership of Boothe Global Perspectives 

Dear Friends,

When I started publishing Global Perspectives ( 25 years ago, I had no idea that one day we would have readers in 40+ nations. But take a look at the "computer reader viewers list"  we did today and you will see where typical readers in our "global family" are.  This of course varies with the day, subject matter and other factors,  but our readership continues to expand in range and numbers. When I was working for the World Bank, doing economic, banking and business symposiums, particularly in Asia and Central Asia, many new friends with insights and ideas joined hands with me. I interviewed hundreds of brilliant people and many have become dear friends.

We decided to share reports and "Perspectives" from around the world.   So you can see our library of articles, which includes 600 of our most recent writings.  The first 200 or so articles were not saved from the days when we were mailing this report out from our office in Washington, D.C..  But over the years, we have had VIP's in business, government, research and educational fields to provide some extraordinary information. We did a scan of predictions on economic, political and cultural issues and found 91% of the predictions within Global Perspectives have come true.  Oh yes, we have missed a few along the way too, but the fact is, our sources are brilliant and well informed. Plus we give credit to the many articles and ideas that others have published and we have shared or republished. We always try to give you proper credit for your excellent work. 

The concept of a "family of thinkers" sharing GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES is still true. Although you will notice most of the articles go under my "byline", most of the ideas come from our global family of readers.  Our readers are our primary contributors. Many for various reasons prefer not to publish their names and in some cases the articles might create safety or security issues for them, or compromise their reporting. When you have something to say, or have insights, send them along, and if you wish us to publish in your name, let us know. We all accept a credo, of writing with respect, in good will, and try to keep ideas constructive.  Of course emotional issues arise (especially when politics and religion are involved) but we try to keep it positive, with the exception of a few outrageous subjects that call for firm reporting. I make the final determination on editorial matters and take responsibility for mistakes or shortcomings. 

You, my fellow readers and writers are my global "familia".  My deepest thanks to you for enriching our lives through your "GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES".  We notice that there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE entities around the world and cyberspace, but our GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES always hits 1, 2 or 3 on a typical Google Search. This reflects the audience, readership and longevity of this publication.  We have never accepted pay or a paid advertisement. We have never paid a writer for his ideas.  Ours is the world of ideas which have more impact when not "bought" or compromised by money.  Modern journalism has been castrated by corporate or political pressure which often uses money to buy stories favorable to someone' s agenda. Global Perspectives is not bought or paid for by anyone, or any institution. Our publication is trully a "non profit" effort of sharing ideas without spin or propiganda.   We strive for "more light" and for truth.

Shortcomings in the writing, spelling or presentation, are all mine.  I had a brilliant author write me and say: "Any shortcomings in editing are more than made up by the concepts and ideas and the fact that your readership continues to expand."  If anyone would like to volunteer as a copy editor, we have a job for you that is compensated by satisfaction of promotion of great ideas. Our global family, from time to time, helps in editing and improving this site.  We have had copy editors from Nepal, Mongolia, India and the USA to contribute time "cleaning up" and editing articles.  Also, our webmaster, Abbi Serchindorj, who published My Mongol, and several other works, a brilliant Mongol, deserves credit for the design, maintenance and presentation of the web site.  

As for me I write from where-ever I am around the world.  Often from my mountain top "Upper Ranch", often from Santa Fe, Fort Worth, Indianapolis and when travelling almost anywhere on earth where I can find an internet connection. This is a "Global Perspective" effort, isn't it?! 


Thank you my friends,

Ben B. Boothe, Sr.,   Publisher  or as we call it:  Global Perspectives