Highest Earnings with Bachelor's Degree
Global Perspectives often finds cool bits of information to make your life interesting. Appraisers tell us that cities which attract people of the highest incomes, also show the highest appraised values of property as the communities grow. So your college major can impact your earnings, your net worth and your community. Our thanks and credit to NPR Matt Styles and the creator Anthony Carneval for this chart. This tells you what a bachelor's degree is worth these days:
The above does not study graduate degrees, but we might think that the patterns would be similar, with an even higher increase in earnings with a Master's or a PHD. Although our experience tends to indicate that personal initiative and long term tenure often impact earnings higher than the degree at the PHD level. We often see the PHD credential as an entry to good long term positions, but not necessarily the highest quick income opportunities. That appears to indicate that individual ambition and skill sets generate higher income than a degree at the highest level. Therefore many people must weigh the relative expense of additional years in school vs earnings return on investment. For the sciences and liberal arts, the earnings potential of an education is not as important as the contribution to our mutual humanity.