We see more businesses that see a need for testing for EMF to protect their employees and their liability. EMF are Electric Magnetic Fields

EMF'S have long been considered an invisible issue for business and industry. But in recent years more and more corporations have had on site EMF inspections done, and taken steps to lower the exposure of employees to Electro Magnetic Fields.

With every electric device, every motor, every wire an EMF is produced. Many scholars and researchers have concluded that this is a health risk, but it is a risk that business can, in most cases easily deal with.

Not only can work areas be re-organized, and people's desks put in areas where there are low EMF readings, but EMF's from outside the building can be shielded or blocked. Equipment within the building, can also be relocated or shielded.

In a recent inspection done by Certified Environmental Inspectors (, some of the highest emissions came from an older copy machine. "The newer machines are better shielded internally, but sometimes an old machine really puts out EMF's." said Ernst Diener, EMF technical specialist.

EMF's (Electro Magnetic Fields) are found throughout nature and in all living things. EMF exposure from electricity,electric lines, equipment, radios, vehicles, kitchens, televisions, telephones,clocks, airplanes, even from outer space can have an impact on our world, and many health experts and scientists believe that high doses can cause a variety of diseases, damage to the human body, even cancers and impacts on DNA.

EMF's are emitted from all electrical appliances, house wiring and power lines. There are examples where the radiation is so strong from high power transmission lines that tests have demonstrated men holding a florescent light bulb, lit from the "free"EMF emitted by the wires. If you have ever heard static on an AM radio when you are near a high voltage electric line or device, you have just been exposed to EMF's.Typically, the more power an appliance uses, the stronger the EMF that surrounds it. In terms of home appliances, hair dryers, coffee grinders, food processors, electric razors,mixer, telephones, computers, clocks, radios and televisions emit EMF's.

Are EMF's dangerous?

Hundreds of scientific articles have been published regarding possible health hazards. European health experts have concluded that EMF's are dangerous to human health, and restrict and protect the public with higher standards than some nations, such as the USA. The powerful lobby of the Utility and Electric industry in the USA hired scientists to produce studies, which indicated that EMF's in the USA were not a health problem, while scientists in Europe are much more concerned. Some studies suggest that continuous exposure to EMF levels as low as 2 milliGauss (mG) may be harmful. Short term exposure is of less danger, but if it is of high "burst" rates, even a short term dose, with a very high rate is considered unhealthy. Many have come to believe that a working level, in a typical environment of 5 to 7 hours or more, with exposure to 5 mG should call for remediation, shielding, or a change to lower the exposure.

COMMON SENSE: It would seem to be logical that corporate executives, for a small expense, could have an independent study, to verify and quantify EMF levels, and possible health hazards. By doing their due diligence, in good faith, they are doing employees a good service, and also limiting liability to take steps to protect employees by shielding when necessary. CEI shared a story, when they observed one building office, where a man was sitting in an area with EMF exposure 10 times higher than the "safe" level as acknowledged by most researchers. Shielding this area and moving his desk a few feet would eliminate this "invisible" hazard to his health and the cost of a few dollars for a EMF shield paint or fabric barrier on the wall.

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