Occupy Wall Street Who are They? What do They Believe?
We took the time to have our people go to an "Occupy Wall Street" event in two cities. We have heard so much about this movement.
- We have been told that it was just a bunch of hippies.
- We have been told that it was a violent group of radicals.
- We have been told that it was a group of liberal Democrats.
- We have been told that it was a collection of filth and danger.
See the truth that we discovered:
- The first person that we met in Dallas, who was with a group of hundreds camped beside City Hall was a former executive of Braniff Airlines, a veteran, and a patriotic man, just angry with the corruption and abuses that have come into the banking and financial system. He said:
"I want my country back. It is our country. We, the people didn't sell it, the politicians sold it to big business. Now, the big boys create crimes and become rich, while millions of American businesses are going broke for lack of bank financing."
* The second person that we met was a banker. That surprised us. The banker told us: "I have watched my industry gradually be deregulated by the giant banking interests, and slowly become dominated by them. In the process I have seen more and more corruption."
* The third person we met was a retired business executive. He said: "1% of Americans now make 50% of all of the income made in America. It isn't fair and it is dangerous, because when people cannot find jobs, while the rich become richer, it could destabilize our economy".
* The forth person we met was a school teacher. She said: "I have taught all of my life, and I am afraid children who grow up today don't have as much opportunity, because the power and wealth has become so concentrated in so few hands."
DID YOU NOTICE SOMETHING. NO HIPPIES. NO RADICALS. NO DEMOCRATS. The two crowds that we visited were about as Main Stream as America can get. We met members of the Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Freemasons, participating, and met Democrats and Republicans alike there. It appeared to us that this is a ground swell movement, with some sound intellectual underpinnings.
We met college students, well informed and well educated that simply are crying out: "Mr. Senator, Mr. Congressman, we are this nation's youth. We call on you, ask you, to stop taking the big money from big business. It has corrupted you. Can you honor us enough to stop!" See the video. Seeing is believing. This crowd seemed to me, to be right on target in their economic message.