Cancer Fighting, Heart Healthy 'Salad' Introduced
New Dietary Salad called : “The Cancer Fighter" said to lower blood pressure, help heart and eliminates wrinkles with rapid cell regeneration qualities.
Magic Cancer fighting, Healthy Heart Salad that can help you lose a pound a day (
A special formulated salad may be a new key to health and losing weight. Saneh Boothe, became interested in powerful health implication of organic foods when she started Cornucopia Enterprises (, a Greenhouse concept to allow food production near urban centers. In the process she noticed how much better she felt when she ate certain fresh vegetables that she had grown, combined with fruits and nuts.
Saneh had completed medical training and hospital work as a radiology technician early in her life, so thus she used her “Medical instincts” and began a system, itemizing the benefits of healthy foods. With her husband Ben Boothe, they created a detailed list of foods that had health benefits and found that the best “delivery vehicle” was a fresh salad that could be prepared easily, was delicious and could be varied. “We found that this combination of fresh, organic foods, delivers powerful concentrations of Vitamin C, D, E, A, B and has restorative elements that are known to lower blood pressure, reduce wrinkles, and even are anti-carcinogens.” So while neither Ben or Saneh are doctors, they have practical and real world experience that might change your life. We always advise that you consult with your personal medical expert or doctor for personal health concerns. But the practical application of nutritious foods is something of broad acceptance of health experts.
In the meantime Ben started a weight reduction program, based upon high concentrations of organic vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts, with vitamins and minerals his Doctor said many overweight people are deficient in. “I lost 40 pounds in 59 days and could see how much better my health and daily life was as this weight peeled off.” So as a practical study, Ben started experimenting with different salad combinations. Ben is a Cancer survivor and all tests have reported absoluely clean, so he gives a special perspective on health, and survival. Saneh used the technical research approach, Ben the practical experience approach. "My cancer experience taught me to use all medical technology available, but many of the nation's experts believe that diet and organic foods are a powerful tool to fight disease, even cancer" said Ben
“We have devised what we call the ‘Cancer Fighter’ or Ben calls it the ‘Magic Salad’ that is a studied combination of foods that have a positive health benefit. We have avoided foods that are known health risks and combined some of the most beneficial organic foods on earth.” said Saneh
“Not only will this salad help your skin, your bowel health, lower your blood pressure, help heart health, but the compounds are potent anticarcinogenics and we think it will help prevent or even help fight cancer.” said Boothe.
“I love steaks and Mexican foods, breads and cheeses but have seen how Ben has lost weight quickly and without painful effort and when his energy level skyrocketed, his memory improved, his attitude became joyful because he felt better, I admitted that he was really on to something that worked” said Saneh T. Boothe. “When we eat this "Magic Cancer Fighting, Healthy Heart" salad, we simply feel better, we don’t get sick, and we lose weight. My skin clears up and has a glow to it. Our personal life is better in so many ways. We want to give this recipe to the world, our gift, and hope you will consider organic foods and even growing your own.” said Saneh.
Now here is more information and details (also see: about the recipe and what you should know:
When you see the video you will take a walk through a grocery store with nutrition, health tips, a guide to which foods will 1. Stop Wrinkles 2. Fight Cancer 3. Heal joint pain 4. Fight arthritis 5. Combat heart disease 5. Lower Cholesterol 6. Improve memory 7. Increase energy 8. Prevent cold and flu 9. Cancer fighting salad components.
(The salad must be of organic and fresh vegetables and fruits, washed and made fresh and consumed the day made. If you will prepare this with care, and eat it regularly, it combines antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, that all have cancer fighting traits. We believe it can help your heart health, increase energy, and help the repair of joint pain, as well as reduce wrinkles).
Our culture is filled with unhealthy toxins and environmental pollutants that are trying to kill us daily. Healthy, clean foods from mother nature are a way to be healthier. While we cannot assure a total cure of any disease, we can inform you that medical science assures us that with better diets our mortality and lives can be longer and healthier.
Don't forget the power of your mind. A good diet must be combined with a focused, peaceful and happy attitude, one of hope a “centered” approach to life and mortality. With clean water, clean air, some exercise, an ethical foundation, and a loving support system, the mind can do wonders in helping the body fight off the “death arrows” of this world. Our healthy food suggestions are a beginning and a solid first step to your health, or a good foundation to assure that you are not crippled with illness. Healthy prevention is our preferred approach.
Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. suggests that beets, garlic, and spinach, are most effective as cancer fighters. He also suggests green and white tea and *Vitamin B-12 & *Vitamin D (with D-3 and calcium).
Live well, eat well, and be happy.
Ben and Saneh are available to speak to your group on nutrition, and health. Saneh had medical training and hospital experience in her educational background and Ben speaks as a businessman who was in poor health and has regained much, due to good diet, vitamins, and a combined overall approach to regaining a healthy life. One speaks from education, the other real world experience. As a team, they make a dynamic duo to encourage good health, good nutrition, healthy weight loss, and ways to come closer to the earth and help the environment. You will also get a dose of smiles and encouragement from these two.
You can live a healthier, happier life, but it is your choice and this "Magic Cancer Fighting, Healthy Heart" salad is a start to a longer and happier life.
This video is important for your children, your parents and those you love. It has beautiful photos of food, and shows you the ingrediants used for the “secret salad” that has combined all of the elements mentioned above. Eat this salad 2 times a week, and we can almost promise that you will feel better and be healthier. Eat this salad for dinner, or lunch, 5 times a week, and you can lose a pound a day. Ben lost 40 pounds in a little under 60 days.
Did you know? Diet soft drinks actually make your system gain weight. It is one of the biggest frauds upon American consumers.
Did you know? Orange juice is fattening, because of the sugar content, but the trade-off is that it helps with colds, resistance to disease, and generates energy.
Did you know that Walnuts will help face wrinkles go away?
Did you know that Almonds have calcium for the heart, iron for energy, help lower blood pressure, help with cell productivity (better skin), are good for cold resistance!
Did you know that Olives a filled with vitamins, and are not so fattening as some believe. The oil is good for you too.
Our "Magic Cancer Fighting, Healthy Heart" salad recipe: Leaf lettuce (dark green), 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp of Tabasco sauce, 1 sliced orange, 1 cup of almonds (raw are healthier), organic beets 1/4 cup, fresh garlic (according to your taste), add organic spinach leaves (1/4 cup), 1 chopped apple (swish in lemon juice so won’t discolor) , 1.5 to 2 cups of sliced fresh tomatoes, one chopped onion (red is better), 1 Alvacado, 1 cup or cheddar or baby swiss cheese (low-fat), 1/2 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup raspberries, sprinkle in blueberries, 4 tablespoons of balsamic (means “restorative”) vinegar,1/4 cup sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup raisins or cranberry-raisins, 1/8 cup of walnuts, 1/4 cup of olives (vary, we like green, mixed with red), 1/4 cup bell (Capsicum) pepper, and if you like spice and a concentration shot of “C” with one or two sliced fresh organic grown Jalapeno peppers.
Get ready for the most healthy and tasteful salad of your life. Serve the"Magic Cancer Fighting, Healthy Heart" salad it right after it is prepared, fresh and cool. Eat it as your lunch or dinner twice a week and feel better, Eat it 5 times a week as your “dinner” meal (vary the ingredients slightly so you won’t get bored) and you will feel your skin become healthy, your bowel tract will be healthier, you will lose a pound a day (see diet information at:
Contact Ben and Saneh if you need a speaker, program, or to purchase your personal greenhouse for growing your own life enhancing organic foods that taste wonderful and will give you not only a connection with the earth, but a better and nutritious life. The greenhouse will provide a time to relax, do meditation, and rebuild muscle bulk as you lose weight. But whether you grow healthy food in a greenhouse, or buy in a store, the fresh foods in this salad will help your heart, help your joints, improve your memory, lower cholesterol, give you more energy, fight cancer, give you prettier skin, and help you lose weight.
Saneh's "Magic Cancer Fighting, Healthy Heart" salad can be the highlight of your dinner or party. Your guests will love it!
This will feed 4 people. See:, or to learn how to “grow your own” organic salad greenhouse.
For health and diet information see:
Ifyou would like to see some of the medical information, research, and have a detailed chart for improving your weight situation we put up a site: “” orhttp://www.lose20lbsin.comfor your information.
Always see: for articles to make your life more interesting.