Church Leadership/Stewardship of Environment

Churches Should Set Example

Wind Turbine

Churches should lead on Environmental

Churches Should Send Message to Communities Lead by Example, with Wind Power


The U.S. Government is now officially encouraging the purchase of alternative clean energy devices. We know that our environment is in trouble. We know that Christians are supposed to be examples in the community of stewardship. Yet Churches use a huge amount of electricity for their giant auditoriums, classes and facilities.

For anyone who has hesitated on purchasing wind turbines NOW IS THE TIME. Not only can a wind turbine pay the electric bill for a church, arrangements can be made where tax advantages (which are significant) can be used by affluent members, while the electricity is used by the church.

  1. 30% Investment tax credit 1st year
  2. Ability to depreciate the full cost of the unit off over 5 years
  3. 2 cents per kW production credit
  4. USDA grants of up to 25% for Farmers, Ranchers, or even businesses in agricultural communities

We heard of one idea. A Sunday School class with 115 members are thinking of buying a wind turbine and using the money saved in energy, to support a missionary. Wow, missions supported by "wind" (the breath of God).

Federal Government Encouraging Wind and Solar 

The Federal Government has set the moral example, by saying to citizens of the USA "We need and encourage the use of alternative, CLEAN, energy."

This is because to meet our energy needs and clean up our environment, we must have leadership, on a Federal level, State level and local level. You can encourage your community and neighbors by your use of wind turbines to make clean energy. Your church could be an example to the entire community with a proud wind turbines saying: "THIS CHURCH MAKES IT'S OWN ENERGY, WE ARE GOOD STEWARDS, WE ARE DOING OUR PART".

Should churches give the moral leadership to politicians? It would seem that now is the time for Churches, and bold ministers, to take the moral leadership, and do something good for your environment. Politicians such as Senator Eddie Lucio Jr., in the Texas Senate, Joe Heflin of the Texas House of Representatives, or Eddie Lucio III of the Texas House are taking bold steps to see that Texas complies with Federal Mandates, to encourage wind turbines for private business, churches, schools, homes, prisons, and especially municipal, state, and public buildings.

Call us and we can arrange to make a presentation to your church on: "Good Stewardship, good environment, and responsible leadership by Christians on environmental issues". But, the true leadership should come from you. We welcome the opportunity to talk to you about wind power for your church. Call us: 817 738 9595