8 of Ben Boothe Recommendations adopted by Obama Administration

On September 25, 2008 we listed some items we recommended for recovery.

It seems that some in Washington, who read Global Perspectives (www.bootheglobalperspectives.com) agreed with many of our suggestions.

Note the ones in bold below, that have already been adopted by the current President and administration:

  1. We need to increase FDIC insurance from $100,000 to $500,000. (FDIC increased insurance, but not as much as we had suggested)
  2. We need to make banks and financial companies increase their capital standards. (U.S. Treasury and FDIC have provided new capital, as well as new regulatory pressure to increase capital and improve ways it is calculated)
  3. We must demand that the government require big business to stop creating monopolies.
  4. We must break up giant business monopolies and allow true free enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit back into the American economy.
  5. We must have our government give tax grants, incentives and support to small business. (New incentive bill is packed with tax grants and incentives to encourage business, farms, small and large)
  6. Government must provide real financial incentives to save and help small towns. (Bill passed by President Obama gives towns and cities grants and financial incentives to create new economy and jobs through alternative energy)
  7. We must “DE centralize” economic power in the USA, out of a few giant cities, and back into a diversified heartland.
  8. We must encourage local bankers to invest in new businesses in their communities and not in fast economic “Ponzi” schemes. (President Obama has passed strict new rules, putting crooks on notice and encouraging banks to lend)
  9. We need to get government back on a philosophy that “bigger is not better”
  10. We need to encourage regulators to give small institutions greater flexibility and greater encouragement to profit.
  11. We need to get the power, influence and control of our economy out of the concentrated hands of powerful interests in money centers and diversify economic and business power throughout the USA.
  12. We need to change policies to give incentives for new manufacturing, new industry, and new “capital formation” industries in the USA. (Incentive bill creates tax incentives for companies that create new jobs in the alternative energy sector)
  13. We need to give tax incentives for farming, mining, manufacturing, and for every company that creates new jobs and new capital, we need to give some form of tax incentives or encouragement from our government. (The new incentive bill is the largest bill ever passed in the USA to stimulate the economy)
  14. We need to create a long term program to increase the value of the U.S. Dollar, increase our national reserves, pay back our national debt, and put the USA on a sound footing. (Announced and policy outlined by President Obama, Sunday, Feb 22, 2009)

And this is just the beginning. We are told by "connected" and influential people that more of our suggestions and ideas will be adopted in Washington. It is nice to know that our leaders are listening, and thinking.

Ben B. Boothe Sr., Publisher, GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES