U.S. Health Care VS International Health Care
The U.S. healthcare system is in a mess. It has changed from a medical trust to big business controlled by insurance companies and giant mega corporations.
Health care in the USA is the most expensive in the world. Many are beginning to question if we are getting what we pay for.
So herein, we have reported "pros and cons" of both the USA healthcare experience, vs international healthcare. You be the judge!
You keep score and rate your healthcare experience!
1. Patients complain that it is often hard to speak to personal family physician by telephone. They get "screened" out.
2. Appointments are hard to get, slow, cumbersome, often taking several weeks to see the doctor. Nurses often say: "If you can't wait, go to the emergency room."
3. Doctor's offices often make patients wait in the lobby or reception area for over an hour, even with appointments.
4. Average actual personal time with a U.S. Doctor, is five minuets or less (U.S.Average), and studies indicate that the doctor usually makes his diagnosis and treatment decision within the first 65 seconds of the patient interview.
5. Many doctors require tests, X-rays, or clinical services from "co clinics" that they own or have an investment in. Often these tests, X-rays, or services are expensive and time consuming.
6. Many doctors have "deals" or contracts with specific hospitals, and thus push their patients to that hospital, regardless of it's ability to best treat the patient.
7. Doctors in the USA are tied to the insurance reimbursement system and a large percentage of the Doctor's office staff and expense is in doing paper work for reimbursement. Treatments that the insurance companies do not want to pay, are avoided, even if they may best serve the patient.
8. Technology, and equipment in the USA is considered excellent. But, if a patient does not have insurance or a large cash wealth, the patient cannot afford the best access to the best treatments and equipment.
9. The USA medical philosophy is considered to be cold, distant, scientific, and technically focused. Personal support, relationships, or bedside manner is considered "unprofessional" and treated so by many medical schools. The Doctor is often taught by the system to be distant and aloof.
10. Hospitals have become "Economic Institutions" and patients "Economic Units". Many hospitals are bought and sold by conglomerates like poker chips or Monopoly properties, with community or patient needs largely not emphasized.
11. One person reported: "I needed a surgery and went to a doctor in Texas. I asked for an estimate of doctor fees and hospital costs. His staff refused to give one saying: 'No one ever asks for that. We only take the cases if insurance will cover it.'I never got an estimate of costs."
What do you consider the most important thing for your health care.
I have had several surgeries in foreign nations. Let me give you my observation of the Pros and Cons.
1. Personal respect and attention to patient needs is superior, both from Doctors and nursing staff. Telephone consultations are easy to arrange.
2. The cost is often less than 1/5 the cost of medical care in the USA.