Bush Budget 2006 Analysis Impacts Upon Environment
The budget is a mixed bag. But it appears that the results of many of the budget items confirm what many economists expected.
This administration's combined tax cuts, while increasing expenses through war, homeland security, and playing catch up on natural disasters, is cutting hundreds of millions from social services.
Medicare, social security, aid for farmers, aid for poor, aid for college loans, are all taking a beating. But, the environment is suffering from this budget as well. Notice the following items, and how the environment is going to suffer.
Polls show that most taxpayers don't want to see the environment further damaged. Most Americans, indeed a substantial majority of people of the entire world, want clean air, water, food, and ample forests, clean lakes and rivers.
During the state of the union address President Bush got his loudest applause, from both sides of the aisle, when he said that he wanted energy efficient autos, and wanted to break the USA's dependency upon foreign oil. Within hours, V.P. Dick Cheney was making media appearances assuring the oil industry around the world, that nothing would come of this initiative. It was Cheney, years ago, who killed the effort in Congress, to impose higher mileage requirements on the auto industry. Apparently, he still supports the "big oil, big fuel consumption automotive" fraternity.
- U.S. Government Grants to state governments for water conservation Cut by 40%RESULT More pressure on states to increase taxes
- U.S. Government grants to cities for water conservation Cut by 40% RESULT More pressure on cities to increase local taxes
- Environment Protection Agency libraries and research centersCut from $2.5 million to $500,000 RESULT Less research on environment and solutions
- Co-operative Conservation Program for private landowners increased 3.2% RESULT Flow of funds to large landowners and ranchers
- Drinking water programs increased by $5 million
- Research for cleaner diesel engines increased by $50 million
- Sell 125,000 acres of public lands now controlled by Bureau of Land Management,RESULT Funds to be used to raise $250 mill to help pay government debts, average sales price is considered to be $2,000 per acre
- Sell 200,000 acres of national forests in 41 states to cut operating expenses of Forest Service RESULT, more logging and mining
- Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, which had $900 mill authorized by Congress is to only be funded $85 mill RESULT Fewer lakes, agricultural ponds, and water source dams
- Forest land and wildlife refuges cut by 40% RESULT Forests will decline
- National Park Service cut by $89 million
- Environmental Protection Agency cut by 5%
- Interior Department cut by 2.4%
- Office of Surface Mining increased by $312 million RESULT Increase in mining and logging
- Low interest loans to states for treating wastewater, and cutting water pollution cut 22% RESULT Causes states to increase taxes or cut wastewater programs
- Homeland security, to deal with chemical attacks Increased by $184 millionRESULT If we ever find weapons of mass destruction in the USA we may have gas masks, and duct tape available
- USA funds in Iraq to build schools, roads, fire stations, power and water systems in Iraq increase of $75 BILLION RESULT More funds spent in Iraq than all U.S. Environmental and Educational programs combined
- War in Iraq and Afghanistan increase of $350 Billion RESULT Cause higher taxes in USA
- Increase border patrols and enforcement along Mexican border increased 400%RESULT Increases arrests, jail time for foreigners and creates higher prison occupancy
- Scholarship programs and government grants for U.S. college students cut RESULT Lowers opportunities for American youth
- Day Care programs for poor working women cut RESULT Keeps poor mothers from working in jobs
What are your ideas regarding these cuts. Are there programs you