Clips from around the World

"TURKEY" Turkey is one of the world's most critical nations because it is a battle ground, intellectually, where the concept of whether "secular" government or "fundamental religious" government is to prevail. As an Islamic nation, it has successfully experimented with a "secular" approach to government. Fundamentalist Islamic leaders in Turkey "fume" and seek to influence and discredit "moderates" who have worked with a secular system...and this battle continues to go on daily. But, the most important factor, is that Turkey, of all of the Islamic nations, is more prosperous, it's people have more opportunity and freedom, and the youth have better education and hope for a future, than other more "religious" Islamic nations. The very success of Turkey's "secular" approach, stands in the way of radical fundamentalism.

"INDIA" As I met with some of India's most successful business leaders, I found continued optimism and confidence in the future. The new government of India has worked for stability to continue to encourage the economic boom of India. India continues to expand and innovate. Industry breaks new ground every day. The old corruption is being replaced by young, honest, professional leaders. India has it's sights on China...our economic model suggests that India will catch up with China economically by 2020.

"NEPAL" The King of Nepal has gotten the message. Negotiation has to be pursued. While it seems obvious to many people that China has provided encouragement and support for the Maoist revolutionaries, the old mindset of government of Nepal has had trouble adjusting to a sophistication in negotiation skills to deal with the foundation arguments of the Maoists skillfully. Indemic poverty, corruption, mis-management, and insensitivity to the needs of the vast majority of Nepalese people has characterized Nepal's Royal family. But, with pressure and assistance from India and the world community, Nepal's Royal family may be coming around.

"ECUADOR" The past 7 presidents of Ecuador, no longer live in Ecuador, but live in other nations. Most of them live in comfort and luxury, from wealth gained in Ecuador. Why is it, that a nation with natural resources, cheap labor, hard working people, good education, and good economic infrastructure does not prosper? The answer is that more and more economic expansion is taking place as young idealists and professional bankers and businessmen bring Ecuador's economy forward. We see a nation with great promise, potential and hope for the future. Perhaps we will see the day, when Ecuador's "ex" leaders consider their homeland an ideal place to retire. We project that it will happen in this generation.

"SOUTH AMERICA" Economists in India, China, Europe, Japan, and Mexico all have one thing in common. They see South America as an economic sleeping giant. An area rich in natural resources, and a region that has moved beyond the era of "bananna republic" revolutions into intellectual and economic revolution. Look into the economic foundations of South America, and you will see why India, China, Japan and others are sending economic representatives throughout South America, to prepare for the growth boom they predict will transform the entire region over the next 30 years.


The Paramo is the natural grasslands that cover the foothills of the Andes Mountains of Latin America. In Ecuador, the Paramo absorbs the rains, stops erosion, and allows a slow release of moisture to water the land.

A police department was destroying the paramo, to put in a retreat and horse operation. In one of Ecuador's most refreshing environmental events, educated and idealistic Ecuadorian leaders stepped in and said: "Stop...let's see what the impact is before we allow this." Experts were brought in, including Boothe and Associates (Certified Environmental Inspectors). We were pleased to assist with an environmental study, that verified damage to the environment, and it seems that one small battle to protect Ecuador's parklands has been won. We see a new day, a new dawning, when people stand up, and stand to protect the world they and their children must live in.


The Indian Merchants Chamber, led by P.N. Mongre and Nanik Rupani put forth another conference in India. The subject was CONVERGENCE. The blending of communications, I.T., Technology, Industry, Communications, and making all of this available to the people. "Convergence is a change agent" said Nanik Rupani, President of IMC. "It is benefitting all people even rural areas" he said "for example wireless technology will be one of the new areas of focus".

The impact upon banking, industry, and every day people's lives is powerful. For example, the oldest, and largest bank in India tried putting wireless technology in rural banks, as an experiment, and found that the rural areas overwhelmingly accepted and adopted the new technology. "Because it made their lives easier. It made banking easier".

With technology changing at 'jet speed', Rupani said: "telecommunications, internet, television, are all converging into one media, that will be inexpensive, available to all, and will vastly improve communications, education and business in India and the world".

With India's concept of "open internet access" vs the Chinese concept of government control and monitoring, India has a distinct advantage. This concept that information and technology should be freely used by all people, could be a major competitive advantage of India. At the conference, one of the speakers, was Ben B Boothe, of BBAA. Ben has long had business interests and business associations in India.


The celebration was late, by 2 weeks, and in the wrong country (the USA instead of Vietnam) but an RSVP New Year's Party for Vietnam took place in Plano, Texas at the Plano Center last Sunday. Over 2200 people attended. The party included national singers from Vietnam, speeches, honors and presentations, as well as a style show.

Beautiful models showed off their Vietnamese clothes and styles and showed that the new Vietnam image is not of traditional silks and neck high dresses, but very modern and stylish indeed. After the dress show there was a lingerie show, which seemed to be popular especially among the men present. It was a great day, and Vietnam was honored in Plano, Texas in a true "Global Manner". The young lady pictured (Kim Bui) wanted to make a point. All of the style show models were professional American models. She easily made her point, that was; "I think Vietnam girls are just as talented and beautiful as American models." We will let you be the judge.

Vietnam Style Show

These are a few of the models showing off designs from Vietnam. They work for Girl-Co Modeling Agency, in Dallas, Texas. The style show attracted great interest from the 10 newspapers, and several T.V. and Radio stations that were present. As the show progressed, the models made an impact. The show hosts, determined that all models would be American women. We wondered, and thus asked why on American? Several of the Vietnamese men present thought that American women were more beautiful than Vietnamese women. A perfect example of the concept that "the grass always looks greener on the other side". In our opinion, they are equally beautiful. What do you think?