A few years ago, when I lost my race to become a U.S. Congressman, I decided to turn my energies to international try to help contribute understanding, insights, and sometimes solutions to people around the world. I was on an airplane with the U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia 2 weeks later, working on humanitarian efforts to remove land mines there.

Foreign currencyHave you noticed the violence around the world? Hindus vs. Islamic fundamentalists, Communists vs. Christians, Jews vs. Muslims, Moderate Islamic leaders vs. Conservative Islamic leaders. Tribal wars all over Africa, and South America.

And the economic instability of the Global economy means that an event a world away can impact you and I, our community and our nation.

Two years ago I predicted that there would be an ENRON type event, and urged people to be informed and be prepared. In Asia a few years ago, we predicted that there would be an Asian financial crisis, and leaders in India praised us 6 months later for helping them to be prepared. I predicted that Argentina's "currency board" system would cause economic disruption...and it has.

Our family of worldwide "informed and interested" people like you, has been helpful to many of us. When you see something brewing, and have insights, pass it on...we'll share it with movers and shakers in 30+ nations.

We welcome your intellect and participation.