Jon Hendry Brings New Observations to Big Sky Voices about the Movie Industry


Jon Hendry helped write the laws and regulations for the movie industry in the State of New Mexico. He is a dynamic man -- intelligent, fearless and energetic. As head of IATSE Local 480, he is a union leader who really believes in creating jobs, fighting for his union members, and protecting people from unfair wages. He has fought relentlessly to bring more movies, more jobs, and better wages and living conditions for his union members, and they love and respect him for it. 

I have witnessed him in a business suit, negotiating with businessmen, and I have seen him in Levi's motivating his troops. In a public audience he is charismatic and can speak with no notes before an audience and inspire even strangers. But in private, he seems almost shy until he gets to know people and what they are about.

This interview with Big Sky Voices Hendry  delves into the dangers of political trends, the most active film maker types, and the dangers to the movie industry of the United States coming from China. He described a huge movie center being built in China that aims to dominate the movie industry, and Jon Hendry wants Americans to wake up and make our leadership in D.C. to protect our copyrights, protect our creative productions and not allow China to steal an industry from us. 

He says that the movie industry, when all factors are taken into consideration, has contributed billions to the New Mexico economy and added thousands of new jobs.

We are glad to know Jon Hendry and to be able to call him a good man, devoted and dedicated to his union members and the film industry of New Mexico.