Special Report from Hoover Dam, Lake Mead Lowest Level in 70 Years

 Boothe Global Perspectives just visited Hoover Dam, and Lake Mead to follow up on recent news of climate change and water crisis situations across the Southwestern and Western USA.  We have repeatedly made the trip from Texas, through New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and into California, to personally see the rivers and lakes that have dried up over the past 10 years.  We can all speak of the water crisis that agriculture and hundreds of cities face as a temporary drought, but Hoover Dam and Lake Mead provide a monitor for an entire region, since the water shed for this area, includes multiple states.

Ben Boothe at Hoover DamConsider this, the Hoover Dam, was built in 1934 to generate electricity and to provide water for irrigation, agriculture and cities in several states.  Today, it is at risk of being shut down, if the trends in water level decline of the lake continue.  The water level of the lake is now at it's lowest level in 70 years.  We spoke to one technical engineer on site, and he said that if the lake drops another 40 feet, the electrical turbines will have to be shut down.  The guide on my recent visit told me that if the lake drops another 4 feet, that water restrictions will have to be applied to all of the cities, towns and agricultural users downstream from the lake.  Thus, both of the purposes of the Dam and Lake will be lost, and as a result no doubt the people in charge of this national historic site have taken steps to adjust releases of water, impacting electrical production and water supply downstream. 

Just as the ranchers and farmers in the American West have no doubt of climate change and global warming, anyone who has visited Lake Mead recently knows that something is going on that is much more profound than a cyclical drought.