Possible Sequestration Impacts
"Sequestration is a problem created by the House and Senate. It is an artificial crisis built by Congress and the rest of the nation just wants to move on with making a living." This was the jist of a national radio analysis that was broadcast today.
* * If Sequestration goes into effect, no doubt, there will be some immediate impacts upon psychology, but we anticipate that within a few weeks, perhaps even a few days, the U.S. Congress, will find a solution because the American people will demand it. One must wonder about this U.S. Congress. For the first time in 50 years, we have this non functioning group,which puts the nation's credit score in jeopardy. One must consider what my friend Ralph Hall in the US Congress told me recently. He said: "Let one party or the other rule, because the extremes can't seem to do anything together these days."
* * Most politicians who have been around become more pragmatic. They know the workings of Washington. Trying to keep the U.S. Government distracted with budget crisis is no way to get things done. Surely our elected officials want to create new jobs in our nation and that is where the rubber meets the road...not a budget dispute. We must recall that Jerry Ford, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, all had functioning House and Senate members who saw the need for pragmatic thinking...and new budget increases were signed without much ado. We are seeing real recovery in Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Austin and some real increases in construction and new jobs all over the nation.
* *Our U.S.Congress needs to be thinking of economic recovery, and jobs. We don't need our elected officials spending valuable time fighting over a budget. We haven't balanced a budget often. I can only recall two times, Eisenhower and Bill Clinton. It is a shame that political acrimony gets in the way. Of course we know that the "extremes" are dangerous for a nation.
* * 1. Austerity only leads to depression. 2. And we know that hyper-inflation brings instability as well. We need the wisdom of Sam Rayburn, the political astuteness of Lyndon Johnson, the charisma of Ronald Reagan and John F.Kennedy these days. But...lets get the budget behind us and get on with making money.
* * We are calling on you our politicians, members of the U.S. House and Senate, to sign a budget and let the rest of us get on with our lives and trying to make more money and more financial security. We don't need an artificial recession caused by you guys in Washington D.C..
* * Appraised values in many sectors are increasing. We are seeing hotel occupancy rising, increasing hotel values.We are seeing continued profits coming the hospitals because of the new health care bill. Hospitals are rising in value as a result. We are seeing insurance company earnings increase, also because of the health care bill. We are seeing farm land increasing in value because of food prices. Prisons are in a changing industry which will experience innovations and emphasis into alternative uses..
Energy, of all kinds is strong, wind, natural gas, oil,solar, all going up in appraised values. Ranches up because beef is high. Even the travel industry is doing well. Basic economic factors are looking up, if our House and Senate doesn't mess this recovery up. Commercial offices are showing gradual increases in occupancy as are apartments, and they are increasing in value.Indeed, this is a time to look at your appraisal, and you may want to have us reappraise your assets. We still make the same offer we have made for 23 years. 7 day turnaround on most projects by Ben Boothe and Associates.We have offices now in Ohio, Georgia, Arkansas, New Mexico and Ben Boothe is a licensed appraiser in each. In Texas we have 2 appraisers, one a licensed MAI, and 2 engineers as well as one licensed environmental inspector, a licensed broker and a licensed insurance adjuster.Let us know if we can help.
As we have done with success, if we appraise and do an environmental Phase I, on the same property, we will knock 30% off of the environmental fee. And we will get it all done in 7 business days on most projects.
* * Ben B. Boothe, Sr. President Valuations, Environmentals and Feasibility Studies 800-379-8048 ext 101. * *
We have been publishing these reports from around the world for over 20 years. Often as I travel, people make me happy when they say: "You are Ben Boothe, I've been reading your articles for years!". Always feel free to send me your observations or interesting things from your area, nation or perspective. We may publish or quote you! Our family numbers several thousand quality VIP's and movers and shakers, all a part of our "extended Global Family". Let me and our 'family' hear from you.
* * Our switchboard: 800-379-8048 (ext 101) to leave a message. Or if you have something urgent, my direct cell: 817 793 1484 or email me at: benboothe@gmail.com. My main home page is: www.benboothe.com * Respectfully, Ben B. Boothe, Sr. BBAR Inc. email: ben@benboothe.com