Saneh Boothe, Iranian Businesswoman and Actress, Endorses Obama
So consider the irony.
* Woman born in Iran and raised during the time of the Shah, experienced a "golden age" of progress and expansion of human rights and women's rights. She went to University with a degree in radiology, technology and worked in hospitals in Iran.
* The Shah dies, religious Islamic conservatives take over the nation, and women are pressed back to the 7th century, in terms of educational opportunities, social status, dress codes, and personal freedoms.
* She moves to the USA, with an Iranian man, who offers her a new life. But then for 15 years she essentially is kept in tow as an Islamic wife, living in America, but trully unable to pursue her medical career or even go back to college. So her human rights were still held back, even when she became an American citizen.
* She divorced the Iranian Islamic man, married a businessman, started a company of her own ( , and now is a spokeswoman for "Women's Rights" and consults women, and businesses on "cultural freedoms and awareness".
* Today, she was named: IRANIAN OF THE DAY by a national Iranian Publication, in the USA, because she released a video endorsing President Obama, "Because I believe the will help protect our women's rights!"
* There is an irony and the joy of watching people achieve their destiny, when they are allowed the "Wings to Fly!"
Check out her flight in this 1.5 min video.