Strange and Unpredictable Messages Coming from Washington DC
These are ironic times in Washington D.C., filled with contradictions and disappointments. Consider the irony of the following:
#1. The Republicans originally won the Presidential elections based upon "morality" and attacking Bill Clinton and a young lady in the White House. Now in 2006, we find that the Republican leadership in Washington, knew for months that Republican Congressman Foley had been approaching young people working for the Congress, in a series of sexually explicit exchanges.
This goes further. Foley was a leader in the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND program of George W. Bush. How ironic.
The knowledge of Foley's activities were known by dozens on Capital Hill. The Republican politicians chose to hide it, to protect themselves politically, rather than to ask him to resign. Dozens of Republicans in Congress knew of this, but non stood up and demanded Foley's resignation for months and months. The concept of parents sending their children for a chance to work with these "wonderful Republican senators" in Washington, and then having these under age children chased and abused by pedafilic politicians is repugnant at best. But the further fact that the Republican leadership decided to ignore it, or hide it, for their own political advantage, is criminal.
Our performance grade on the Republican Congressional leadership "F"
#2. All current political studies indicate that the energized religious right had an enormous impact upon the last election. They felt that by electing a President who was an "evangelical" that they would have more influence on the nation. But now a fromer White House official, David Kuo, has documented in his book: TEMPTING FAITH: An Inside Story of Political Seduction, that the Bush White House actually considered religious leaders "invaluable because of their ability to deliver votes, but they were 'nuts, crazies, and generally ignored or distained'". David Kuo is credible and speaks with authority. He was the number 2 ranking official in the faith based initiatives program of the Republican administration.
Our performance grade on the Administration faith based initiatives program "D"
#3. George W. Bush spoke in St Louis at a conference to promote bio-fuels last week. During the program he said: "There is a lot of money in America going to energy diversification. I hope you make a good return, and I think you will. I think that we are too dependent on oil." Mr. Bush then promised his support for research in ethanol, hybrid vehicles and nuclear power. He said that ethanol would be important and needed to supply enough fuel needed to blunt America's dependence upon oil. About 40 new ethanol-production plants will be added in the USA in 2006, and more in future years. E-85 (85% ethanol) is sold primarily in the upper Midwest, where ethanol is popular politically. In Texas where ethanol is still opposed by the oil industry, the blend is 10%. Bush said "It doesn't take much investment to convert a car engine to use E85". Supoort of E85 puts Bush at odds with Big Oil. But the actual fact is that Big Oil is at a point of not being able to deliver all of the energy America needs at affordable prices. Production and demand have matched, with demand outpacing production as times goes on. Ironic that George W. Bush, who came from the oil patch of Texas, is now supporting alternative energy sources.
Our performance grade on Bush for his speech supporting ethanol "A" albiet, his words supporting alternative energy don't seem to match his life, the way he became wealthy, or his Vice President's continued work on behalf of the petroleum industry. We are confused at this point. Are his words true or are they simply political rhetoric. Anyway, let's assume that they are true and sincere at this point.